Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday November 2nd

Cannonballs!!--we sailed right over many--round balls just under the surface.  When we finally arrived at port we were told these were--cannonballs, part of the jelly fish family--6-8inchs in diameter.  Don't have a picture of them but if you want you can look them up on the net.  They migrate and at this time of year--they are here in St. George's Sound-- where they are brought in by the net full--processed-,most likely by a vacuum process, as they are 90% water--then shipped to Japan.
Passed all kinds of these shrimp boats on the way out of Apalachicola --thru St George's Sound and over to Carrabelle, on the Carrabelle river. And here we sit--literally 'up a creek without a paddle'.  This is the last port before heading across the gulf to the west coast.  Two ways to go--one 180 miles, which we can't do because we do not carry enough gas--the other way 73 miles---but can't do that either as the wind has been blowing every day since we arrived--10 tp 20 mph--and they tell us the seas are running about 6 ft.  So we just wait it out.  Now Carrabelle is not big--only about 1800 people.
This is one of their claims to fame!!  But the good news is they have a good grocery store, hardware stores, etc.  so can get all the supplies we need.
We spend a lot of time on the 'porch' of the marina
enjoying chatting with the other loopers who are also waiting out the wind, watching the tide go in and out.   As you can see the sun is shining--its all so deceiving!!!   Looks so calm, but I guess we have to listen to the 'ones who know'.
Even out newest passenger is sad that we can't move on.  The next window of calmer weather is to be Wednesday, so until then, we'll just continue to 'rock on'--on the porch!!      The loopy loopers

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