And this is what I love to do at the beach!! We are now at Sanibel Island--and it is beautiful. Still a bit windy but lovely and sunny. Yesterday we stopped at Cabbage key and toured the island--walking the nature trail,--plaques explained the native trees and shrubs.
Thought I'd try to show you how we have to tie the boat up at the southern docks. First, Neil has to back the boat in between those 2 outside posts, which he does very well--but it is a challenge if the wind is blowing. Then before we tie up to the fixed dock we have to go out on the front of the boat and loop the lines around those posts--when thats done then we can finally get back and secure ourselves to the dock---but all lines must be able to go up and down with the tide, which can be 2 to 1 1/2 ft. Sometimes we have to climb up onto the dock and sometimes we have to jump down. Its been a big learning curve, but we are finally getting it. Now if there is what they call floating docks--then thats easy--as they float up and down with the tide and us with them!! We like those!! I was walking past the end of our boat at this dock and saw a big old manatee, just swimming on by. Tonight on Sanibel we went out for dinner to celebrate Neil's 70th birthday (tomorrow)--he had a big plate of baby lobster, and I had grouper, which both of us thought was very good. Tomorrow we will head for Fort Myers--only a few days left before we haul the boat out of the water. Christmas decorations are up everywhere--doesn't seem right!! But I guess in a week it won't be so warm--and there might be white stuff on the ground--so then it will be OK to hear Christmas music. the loopy loopers
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