Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday December 1st.

Sanibel Island has amazing bike pathways--and from what we could see--no stop lights!!  At one busy intersection where there was a farmer market going on, they had a traffic cop directing the traffic.  We biked around for nearly 3 hours--
even getting to see a couple of these guys.  Not sure what this fellow had in his mouth-just hope it wasnt a human leg!!!     We left Sanibel and headed east up the Caloosahatchee River to Cape Coral.   On the Great Loop forum, a free dock was advertised--so we thought --why not!!!  Turns out--it was one of those lucky things you do!!   Not only do we have a free dock with electricity, and WiFi, but were offered the use of the pool and shower--with our own private entrance!!
So here we are slumming it!!!  You can just see the back of our boat at the dock.  Kitty owns a beautiful house right on one of the many Cape Coral canals, in fact it was so nice we came back for a second night!!  She is a working member of the United States Coast Guard Auxilliary, so has many boating stories to tell.
Here we are cruising up the canal to Kittys dock.  Note--even Mr Teddy and Mz sheep are getting a bit tired of all this boating!!  Tomorrow we head to the marina that will lift out our boat---we were to go there today, but found out their lift is broken--so hoping that it will be fixed by Wed.  We have no internet connection at that marina--so this may be my last post of 2014.  I was hoping to put a picture on the blog of the boat after it was pulled out--with, we hope, not too many barnacles attached to it!  Thanks to all who have followed us--and we will resume again in Jan with more tall tales.  For now we leave you with Christmas greetings.......
Sanibel style!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Saturday November 29th

This is what Neil does at the beach--(no bikini's--darn)
And this is what I love to do at the beach!!   We are now at Sanibel Island--and it is beautiful.   Still a bit windy but lovely and sunny. Yesterday we stopped at Cabbage key and toured the island--walking the nature trail,--plaques explained the native trees and shrubs.
This is a strangler fig we saw along the trail
Another wonderful flower we see everywhere--the bird of paradise.
Thought I'd try to show you how we have to tie the boat up at the southern docks.  First, Neil has to back the boat in between those 2 outside posts, which he does very well--but it is a challenge if the wind is blowing.  Then before we tie up to the fixed dock we have to go out on the front of the boat and loop the lines around those posts--when thats done then we can finally get back and secure ourselves to the dock---but all lines must be able to go up and down with the tide, which can be 2 to 1 1/2 ft.  Sometimes we have to climb up onto the dock and sometimes we have to jump down.   Its been a big learning curve, but we are finally getting it.  Now if there is what they call floating docks--then thats easy--as they float up and down with the tide and us with them!!   We like those!!   I was walking past the end of our boat at this dock and saw a big old manatee, just swimming on by.    Tonight on Sanibel we went out for dinner to celebrate Neil's 70th birthday (tomorrow)--he had a big plate of baby lobster, and I had grouper, which both of us thought was very good.  Tomorrow we will head for Fort Myers--only a few days left before we haul the boat out of the water.   Christmas decorations are up everywhere--doesn't seem right!!  But I guess in a week it won't be so warm--and there might be white stuff on the ground--so then it will be OK to hear Christmas music.  the loopy loopers

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday November 24th

We love Venice--biked around the town today for about 3 hours--I have never seen so many flowers--apart from the bougainvillea and  habiscus of every colour,-there is all kinds of plants and trees I have no idea what they are!!
This is what the locals call an 'orchid tree'--
the fragrance is wonderful. There were bushes with blue, yellow, orange and pink flowers---just wish I could include pics of them all.   Even the bird of paradise are in bloom.
The sand here is nearly black--very different from the last beach we were at.   They find sharks teeth along here--just little black ones.  
One gal on the beach showed us one.    Finally!!!  I got some pictures of the dolphins--but not quick enough to get one of the guy who did a leap right out of the water.
We've gone out to the end of the pier the last couple of nites and watched the sun go down over the gulf--along with about 100 others--we see lots of Ontario license plates in the parking lot.  I guess we're not the only ones who like Venice.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday November 22

Crossed the big Tampa Bay today--
This is the Sunshine Skyway Bridge--no idea how long it is but it goes on forever!!!
We had a very windy and rough trip across Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay, but now safe and sound on Longboat Key.
Here we are---do you think we might be a bit 'out-classed'!!!!  Heading out again tomorrow--hoping the wind settles down a bit.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday November 20th

This post is sure different from the last one--remember the nice walking trail--well, here is the 'trail' where we were this morning.
We were at Clearwater Beach--very touristy, but the beaches are snow white and beautiful.
Windy and cool so not many people out on the beach this morning at 10am.
The sand is just like powder
This is the famous Pier 60--nitely entertainment to watch the sun set--2hrs before and 2hrs after sunset.
Finally!!  a picture of a dolphin.  We saw lots again today--right beside the boat--almost could touch them, but as soon as I get that camera in my hand--they are gone!!!
We travelled 21 miles today down to Boca Ciega Bay--and this is what we saw the whole way--condos, and houses.--no one has much grass to cut!!
Shouldn't leave you with this nasty picture--it sure is NOT what we want to see, but I guess it happens.  All is well --we are still floating.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday November 16th

Just spent 3 days in paradise!!!  Caladesi Island--this year took the coveted #1 spot for the best beach in North America--according to DR Beach. (whoever he is??)
We spent hours walking the beach picking up shells--sunray venus, kitten paws, and lots more I have no idea what they are.
This shell is my favorite--the fighting conch.
This one Neil has picked up is called the 'stiff pen shell'
One morning we set out for a 2 1/2 mile hike around the island--thru sabal palms,cabbage palms, live oaks, and pine trees.
Spanish moss hanging in from the live oak trees
I think this is just about one perfect picture--other than the fact that Neil has his long pants and coat on--it was a bit chilly that morning, but you can see how blue the sky was--it didn't take long to warm up.
As we wondered along we came across this guy--getting breakfast.  Neil also saw the gopher turtle, but unfortunately I wasn't there with the camera.  These turtle live in burrows in the ground --sometimes up to 35 ft long.  The one he saw was about 12 inches in diameter.
Yesterday afternoon we borrowed kayaks and took the 3 mile trail thru the mangrove swamp.  Sometimes it got so narrow you could not paddle without hitting the trees.  Didn't see much other than some white herons--thankfully no alligators!!but the trip was mystical.    

Now we are back to reality --at a marina once again--expecting some unsettled weather for the next couple of days--so its a good place to be.  So thats all from the 'loopy loopers'

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday November 13th

Left Tarpon Springs yesterday, and out into the ICW--or intercoastal waterway.  Honeymoon Island is the first barrier island that protects us from the gulf along this stretch of coast.  We are now at a Marina just north of Dunedin, and hope to head out to the next barrier island to some beautiful sand beaches for a couple of days. There are no services there so it might be a couple of days until we can send some more pictures.   But all is well--meeting lots of loopers and catching up with others that we had met previously.  Weather sunny --few clouds and is to be in the 70's.   So this is short and sweet!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday November 10th

Steinhatchee to Crystal River--another 70 mile trip over open water, rough seas, rolled and bucked all the way--so glad to come into the river at Crystal Springs.  All the books we read told us that the waters were so clear, and we would be able to see the manatees.  They evidently have never seen the clear water we have in Canada.  We did see some manatees but only a swirl in the water, and an occasional nose.  Enjoyed walking around the town of Crystal River--ate conch fritters, grilled scallops and shrimp.  Weather was a bit overcast and cool.
This is typical of what you see along this upper west coast of Florida--the area is mostly low swamp, with  rivers coming down into the gulf.  The green sign in the middle is our buoy marker--keeping us in the channel--if you go outside of the channel you will probably run aground.
Vultures waiting for the shrimp boats to come back in.  The shrimpers go out during the nite--arriving back in the morning, with their catch.  One of the shrimpers gave us a flounder--I wish I had taken a picture of it.   When I told him I had no idea how to clean it, he took pity on me and brought us back two nice fillets--which were delicious!!
Just like an octapus--right!!  Wouldn't be surprised if he turned his back and it crabbed him!!               So we left Crystal River this morning and out into the gulf again--for the last 70 miles of open water---arriving in Tarpon Springs at 1 pm, after a relatively calm cruise.   Waves were about 1 ft--coming from behind.  The only problem was all the crab pots!!!  
these are what they look like in the water--sometimes they are white, others are yellow, or red, and even some are black.  They are only about  6" round, and when you are travelling at 21 mph, they are a little hard to see, especially if the sun is in your eyes and there are little white caps on top of the waves!!   These things are tied to a rope that runs down to the crab trap on the bottom.  It didn't seem to make any difference whether you were in 10ft or 34ft of water all of a sudden you would be in a field of them.  If you hit one the rope could wind right around the prop--and that might not be so good!!  Talk about mine fields--we did lots of zigging and zagging..  After tying up at the marina in Tarpon, we biked around the sponge docks
Here they are unloading the sponges--the fellow said he had been out about 20 days.   We are hoping to see a film and get some history on the sponge harvest tomorrow.  Pictures got mixed up again--sorry--the one above shows a stall along the street selling sponges--had to buy one!!!  Hoping to spend another couple of days here--great place to bike around, with lots to see.  Hope to have 'flaming cheese' or stuffed grape leaves at one of the many Greek restaurants.
Lastly--they really are pretty neat birds--we love to see them dive head first into the water to catch their dinner.  The loopy loopers

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday November 6th

FINALLY---today, with calm seas we were able to make the crossing to the west coast of Florida.  What a perfect  70 mile crossing--the dolphins guided us out of Carrabelle and more dolphins welcomed us  into Steinhatchee River.  We got to see the cannonballs (jelly fish), but just like the dolphins, I could never get a picture!!!  Unfortunately we had to cruise alone---as Dawna and Ralph had  to put their boat up in Carrabelle and rent a car so they can head for Tampa tomorrow to fly home.   We will catch up with them later on the trip--but this west coast we will do on our own. Not many pictures to show
just open water as far as the eye can see!!!
This is the dock where we are now---at Steinhatchee---as very tiny fishing community.  A pretty little town--we got our bikes out and toured around--there is only one problem--and thats the knats--they are nearly driving us crazy!!!  They bite but thankfully they don't make you itch---there are millions of them.!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday November 2nd

Cannonballs!!--we sailed right over many--round balls just under the surface.  When we finally arrived at port we were told these were--cannonballs, part of the jelly fish family--6-8inchs in diameter.  Don't have a picture of them but if you want you can look them up on the net.  They migrate and at this time of year--they are here in St. George's Sound-- where they are brought in by the net full--processed-,most likely by a vacuum process, as they are 90% water--then shipped to Japan.
Passed all kinds of these shrimp boats on the way out of Apalachicola --thru St George's Sound and over to Carrabelle, on the Carrabelle river. And here we sit--literally 'up a creek without a paddle'.  This is the last port before heading across the gulf to the west coast.  Two ways to go--one 180 miles, which we can't do because we do not carry enough gas--the other way 73 miles---but can't do that either as the wind has been blowing every day since we arrived--10 tp 20 mph--and they tell us the seas are running about 6 ft.  So we just wait it out.  Now Carrabelle is not big--only about 1800 people.
This is one of their claims to fame!!  But the good news is they have a good grocery store, hardware stores, etc.  so can get all the supplies we need.
We spend a lot of time on the 'porch' of the marina
enjoying chatting with the other loopers who are also waiting out the wind, watching the tide go in and out.   As you can see the sun is shining--its all so deceiving!!!   Looks so calm, but I guess we have to listen to the 'ones who know'.
Even out newest passenger is sad that we can't move on.  The next window of calmer weather is to be Wednesday, so until then, we'll just continue to 'rock on'--on the porch!!      The loopy loopers

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday October 29th

Here is a couple of pics of the 'Grand Canyon' that we went thru--bit of a misnomer--but fun to see anyway.

We left Panama City Tuesday morning--heading across East Lake--into Wetappo Creek, stopping at White City overnite at a free dock at their park.  Not much of a 'City'--one little 'redneck' general store that sold everything from t shirts to chicken feed, but great people.  On from there into Searcy Creek--into Lake Wimico, both of these fresh water--but not so pretty --brown as tea!  Next into Apalachicola River and finally arrived at Apalachicola on the Gulf--back into salt water, alligators and lots of dolphins.  Apalachicola is a really neat fishing town--big oyster festival to be held here this weekend.  Watched the shrimp boats heading out this afternoon--already had one good feed of fresh shrimp.  Went uptown for dinner this evening--Neil was up for a snack of oysters.  These last 2 pictures are about the only really interesting thing we saw on the 'creeks'.  Didnt even see other boats--just some fishermen.  Weather is still staying great although we had a shower this afternoon--the first rain we have had in over 2 weeks--and the next few days are to be good again. Blessings!!!

We crossed back into Eastern Time again, but no sence in changing our clocks, as we 'fall back' an hour in the next couple of days!!  Still heading east--next stop Carrabelle .   the loopy loopers