Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 20th, Wednesday.

 Ouch— one more full day on the island!  Today another great day— no bus trips scheduled, so we walked a good hike (just Neil and I) to the  Macdonalds, where we picked up the yellow train, that would take us to the Loro Park which is a zoo!  Spent the whole day there.  The exhibits were great— the list is too long to tell all the things we saw, but the 3 shows, the Orcas, Dolphins and Sea lions, were absolutely amazing.  I wish I could send some videos on the blog, but will have to wait till we can show them in person.  The display of the Emperor Penguins was a highlight. It was a huge area,  snow covering the rocks, and snow coming down from the ceiling.  Needless to say it was behind glass- all enclosed. We think there must have been 250 of those big birds, it was very impressive.  

Curious Meerkat

Hippo, there was supposed to be a baby, but we didn’t see it— unless this was it!! 
The dolphins
Before the dolphin show started, the flew these 2 large parrots, back and forth over our heads
It’s amazing that they can train Orcas— killer whales 
That’s a lot of body to get into the air
Just to show the crowd!  So many people! 
The white tiger
Hard to see but this is a sloth, hanging all fours from the tree branch. 
An anteater in the background, not sure what the white thing is. 
Anteater again. 
Sea lions
Chatted with us. 
The trainers were great with these guys, giving them lots of hugs
The only view we got of the lions!  Can you figure out the male?  The lion king.
The yellow train, that took us to the zoo!  

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