Friday, March 8, 2024

Day 3–in Tenerife

 Sun is shining! Lovely, but an incredible wind.  The waves crash up over the rocks, and even when we were 25ft above the sea, we were in the sea mist.  Lovely to watch! This morning we walked to the Botanical Gardens.  Trees, shrubs, plants, from all over the sub tropical world , India, Africa, Brazil, China, Australia, and Japan, etc.  — didn’t see anything from Canada!  Wonder why?  The city is so busy, houses stacked above each other, so many!  And of course we are in the tourist area, so that makes it even busier. It amazes us to see how the bus drivers get around!  

Didn’t look like much of a tree, but you could see the coffee beans in the branches
This one is from Brazil, although Renata says she has never seen one! 
Ficus tree roots
These big ‘things’ hang down from tree branches, and if allowed to touch the ground they become another tree

Another grouping of the ficus tree.  

Unfortunately nothing was in English, but this was pretty

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