Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday August 18th

Finally got underway Friday morning--weather not great but at least the wind had died down!!  Had a good cruising day, but Saturday morning woke up to heavy rain once again, so just stayed put.  The next bit of sailing was through the infamous 'hangdog channel' --a very narrow waterway through rocky shoals-{-first picture} so the weather needed to be good with no wind and good visibility.  This channel is not recommended for boats over 40ft, as there are some hairpin turns to navigate,  but we came through just fine!!  The third picture is of Point Au Baril lighthouse--where the fisherman once lit a barrel on fire to guide the fishermen home. Today we came through some beautiful county--large rock cliffs coming into Killarney--stopped for a look around there,[2nd picture] before heading for Little Currant.  Weather is looking poor for the next few days but we hope to be able to do a few hours each day--as time is creeping along--and we have a long way to go even before we reach Chicago. 

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