Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday the 30th of October In Nanoose Bay, just north of Nanimo

we are at a beautiful resort where brother Ralph has rented a time share, for this next week.  Just a break from being in the campers.  One of the pics is a view of Craig Bay, from the walking trails all around the bay. Yesterday we drove to Englishman River Falls.  They were spectacular, but seeing I already put a pic in of the last falls-no pic this time.  The tree Neil is standing by is another Arbutus, but we hadn’t seen one this big, or such pretty colours.  We wonder what the  wood would be like when it is sawn.  At this resort there are 5 hot tubs, 4 outside and one indoors with the pool.  I am determined to spend some time in an outdoors one, but not many want to join me.  Oh well!!  I just might freeze when I get out!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sunday, 28th of October

Now just north of Nanimo—at Nanoose Bay, where brother Ralph has rented a condo/time share for this next week.  We’ve done lots of beach walking, viewed some petroglyphs, saw an Arbutus tree, camped in the rain forest.  All of it just great.  Rained s bit too much today, but the sun did come out to warm us up for a bit.  Better than home where the ground is white!  The pics are mixed up but the first one is the Arbutus tree, notice the bark—you would think it was dead, but the crown had green leaves.  At the park where we walked the beach, there were 100’s of jet black bunnys, eating the grass, not afraid of us at all

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wensday in Port Alberni

Having coffee in McDonald’s, then heading back east, to the other coast.  Walked Long Beach yesterday, the waves were amazing-we estimate them about 10ft high.  Then Just outside Port Alberni  we stopped to see ‘the hole in the wall’.  Evidently years ago this hole was blasted thru the hill, in order to bring a water line into the city. It is claimed that Port Alberni is a deep water harbour, saw lots of smaller boats but no ships.

Monday, October 22, 2018

In Tofino. October 22.

Walked the beach this morning, found a wonderful sand dollar!  Walked and walked some more around the town, very expensive!!  And eclectic bunch of residents-but all very friendly.  Had fish tacos at tacofino.   Walked the docks.  Now in a restaurant for a nice dinner in front of a fireplace, to celebrate our anniversary .  Sun forgot to shine, little chilly, but otherwise a great day.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Further along the road on the 21st of october driving to Tofino

Stopped to walk thru Cathedral Grove.  Magestic Redwood cedars.  You certainly felt pretty insignificant!!  Can’t think of a better way to spend our 51st anniversary!

October 21st -driving across the island

left Qualicom Beach this morning heading for Tofino.  First stop along the way was Little Qualicum Falls.  Lots of hiking on great trails, and the falls were amazing.  At one point the mist was rising from the falls, so it made a great pic with the sun shining thru.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Waiting on the ferry

Saw this tree in the park at the ferry terminal.  No idea what it is, asked lots of people but the only one who knew anything about it was a Chinese lady, who told us what it was ??, as she could only speak Chinese!!  But she took one of the very red berries and ate it—so we figured it would not poison us!  The fruit was about the size of a larger marble, and tasted a bit like peach, no stone inside.

Vancouver Island Saturday oct 20th

finally made it to the island.  If you look at the pic of our truck, you will see we are first in line!!  That’s because we wanted to be on the 1pm ferry, and that’s as close as we came to getting on that one.,  so needless to say we were first on the 3.45 ferry.  The wait was OK as we were able to walk around the small village shops right there at the terminal.  The crossing was smooth, sunny and lovely.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday October 17

Didnt drive very far yesterday!  About 60 miles!!  Into a lovely park-Cutler Lake Resort, near Chilliwack.  Have had two very relaxing days.  Here’s what we were doing in the afternoon sunshine, admiring the view.  They things are bigger in Texas—I’ve got news for them!!  Never saw a maple leaf this big .  All is well, nice and warm, just had news from home—it’s snowing!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

More for monday

my pic of the campground didn’t go thru, from the last blog-so here it is

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday in Chilliwack

At our last campground we get into a wonderful hot tub-just what we needed.   Hung our swimming suits out to drip.  This morn8ng they were frozen solid-ouch!   But the sun is shining and it’s about 17  so very nice!  Noticed this skree or landslide down the mountain, trees were all dead in the middle.  Thought this rock formation was very different.  This is where we camped last nite, pretty nice place, with cedar hedges between each site.

Hope. Monday 15th

Westward ho.   Now in Hope.  Beautiful trip up from Osoyoos to Penticton thru the okanogan valley. Miles of fruit orchards, and fruit stands every 100ft.  The apple trees are planted about a foot apart and trained up right and just loaded with fruit

Friday, October 12, 2018


Spent 2 lovely days in this nice town!  Camped in the First Nations huge campground.  Toured a model train place, It was amazing with mountains-with skiers, gondola that worked, police cars with flashing lights at an accident, even a train wreck.  Spent over an hour there.  Then we visited the Native cultural Center, viewing a movie of a young native girl going back to her roots.  The one pic shows Osoyoos from up the hill, at the cultural Center, and the other is downtown , and lastly the view from the door of our camper.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday in Washington

once again beautiful scenery.  No bright reds in the trees, but lots of yellow.   Went into the mountains thru Sherman’s Pass, elevation 5587ft.  Got a little worried as we started to see snow, but the road was OK.  Crazy though, as the temperature fluctuated almost 12 degrees, as we went up, getting to 37 at the pass, then back up to 55.  The last pic is from our campsite in Oroville


cool and drizzling again in morning.  Even some dense fog for a while.  Stopped for a view of a silver mine way down in a valley.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday in Montana


Monday in Montana


Beautiful Montana, we really love this state!

 These are some of the views along the road, Hwy 90.  First view of the mountains!   And just  look at that blue ski!!  Should head into Washington tomorrow   

Sunday, October 7, 2018

More for Sunday October 7th

if you look close at this pic you will see that darn white stuff along the edge of the road and on the hay bales-thankfully there wasn’t much more.  That was in North Dakota.  Now we are in Montana, beautiful landscape.  Stopped at Theodore Roosevelt’s national park, to see the painted canyon.  Really impressive, pics don’t do it justice. These badlands are decreasing in height by 2to 4 inches a year.  One day it will all be flat grasslands  Came across this large metal sculpture of geese.  Not sure we needed to be reminded about Canada geese!!

Sunday October 7th. 1 mile from the Montana border

driving thru North Dakota—very flat, great farm land, but sure not any ski hills around!!  But lots of little lakes and ponds.  Got one pic of nice colours but otherwise pretty brown.  Temps around 38f or 4c.   Saw a neat iron sculpture along the road -but that pic will have to wait.  Hope to add more later today

Friday, October 5, 2018

This is our home for the next 6 1/2 months.  Drove from Wisconsin into Minnesota today.  Lovely fall foliage, but it drizzled all day so taking pics was not an option.  Cute water tower in Lindstrum Minnesota.  Cool temps, at least no snow, but sure hoping for some sun and warmth.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

On the road again!

Left home on Sunday, good traveling so far.  Had a good visit with cousins in Sault Ste. Marie, then this morning (Wednesday) travelled south thru Michigan and into Wisconsin.  Day started out cloudy,  cool,windy and raining.  But later turned sunny and very warm.  At friends near Green Bay WI now. T-storms expected and they keep warning of a tornado!!  Yikes!! When I figure out how to do it, I will include pictures in the next blog—just hope it’s not of tornado damage!