Thursday, February 27, 2014

in the canyon and around Sedona

Our trip into the bottom of the canyon was long and arduous --too much driving--2 1/2 hrs highway driving and then 18 miles of teeth jarring dirt road dropping 4000ft--and  not much to see at the bottom other than the Colorado river.  We weren't even able to do any hiking up along the river in the canyon.  On the way there we did drive on Route 66--and passed through Radiator Springs--where the movie 'Cars' was made--that was neat. We certainly wouldn't advise anyone to do that trip.  Hindsite is wonderful--we should have stayed up at the Canyon overnight and then hiked down into it ourselves.  Yesterday, Tues, we hiked up Cathedral Rock here in Sedona( I was very proud of myself!!!)--and today we did a jeep tour to see the 7 pools and a huge sink hole.  Lots and lots of hiking trails around--unfortunately for us it is to rain for the next couple of days---but good for them here--as it is very dry.
Getting feet in the Colorado river--Canyon bottom
                                     At the top of Cathedral rock
                                    View from the top
Neil--being a dare devil

Monday, February 24, 2014

Grand Canyon topside

WOW--don't know what else to say--no wonder it is one of the 7 wonders of the world.  Got onto the helicopter at noon for a one hour flight--Neil and I had the front seats--right next to the pilot--a little un-nerving as she looked to be about 16!!!!   What a fabulous ride and because we were right at the front we got to even see what was right below us!  Over the widest part of the canyon--to the east rim, then on to the north rim, closed right now because of the snow--then back around to the west and south rims.  After the flight we drove to the Grand Canyon village and along the rim--stopping often to just take it all in.(and take more pictures!)   Than back to see the Imax film which was excellent.  Grabbed some pizza and headed to Flagstaff---where we are right now at the Days Inn.  Tomorrow morning we are being picked up at 815 to go down inside the canyon to the bottom--along the Colorado river- -should get a different view from there.   More on that later.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


What a great little town--Jerome--set way up in the mountains--once a mining town and now taken over by artists--neat to walk around.  Just outside Jerome is another abandoned mining operation but now a bit of a museum--the eccentric owner has many old trucks and tractors--lots of memorabilia from  years ago.  Then we took a drive to Prescott through a mountain pass--again wonderful views.  Yesterday we toured Montezuma's castle, ancient houses in the rocks--much like the Gila Cliff Dwellings except you could only look a this one from a distance--whereas in Gila we were able to wonder all thru them.   Then on to Montezuma's well--a pond of water high on a plateau-thousands of gallons of water pour in from 2 underwater spouts every day--and then flow out underground at the base of the hill.  Needless to say it was a special spot for the native peoples,  but unfortunately if they drank the water they were probably poisoned with arsenic!! On the way we stopped at a small local pow wow--kind of neat to watch  So that's it for today--looks like the weather will hold so will probably try to get to the GC tomorrow.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 19, 20th

Two wonderful days of sunshine and incredible scenery!!     Left Mohave Valley through more mountains and desert-1st pic.   then around Kingman we were into areas that reminded us of Texas--lots of Ashe juniper-not like our junipers at home but look like a bushy cedar tree.  Also began to see some cattle grazing --then nearing Flagstaff we were into big pine trees--could have been anywhere in northern Ontario until we saw the mountains covered in snow.(3rd pic)   And YUK--snow lying along the side of the road where the sun had not melted it!!!   That's when we headed south to Sedona--no snow here, but it is cooler than we have been used to, and we're back into desert like area. Today we just toured around Red Rock County--pictures just do not do it justice--the views are incredible.  No wonder it is a tourist 'spot'.   Tomorrow hoping to head to the old town of  Jerome--more on that later. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Quartzsite--and more

Talk about 2 extremes---we left Canyon Vistas park with all amenities---and went to the sit in the desert at Quartzsite!!!  But we really enjoyed it.  Quartzsite is mostly a huge flea market and I guess we missed the most of it--it is 10X larger during January.  It was big enough for us--as it was!!  Met some great people from California in the desert and spent a great evening around their campfire.  The pic of our camper with the moon rising is in the desert.  Left there on Sat and went to Parker right on the Colorado river and stayed at the Casino there for free.  Went up a 3 miles dirt road to the Desert Bar--everyone had told us we HAD to see.  It was neat--in a cul-de-sac in the mountains--once was an old mine, only open on the weekends.  The mountains around were wonderful.   There was a movie theatre right at the Casino so we saw--August Owas???? County with Merle Streep and Julia Roberts--interesting movie!!!! Unfortunately  I woke up with the worst bout of stomach flu I have ever had.  So I we stayed right there the next day--so I could recoupe.   Today we moved on to Lake Havasu--saw the London Bridge.  Lovey city.  Then crossed the Colorado river (pic) into California and crossed the last time zone!!  The mountains here are beautiful--we are used to the rockies that are grey and black--but these are all colours--I have sooooo many mountain pictures.  Back into AZ to Mohave Valley,  then up the road to Oatman, an old mining town--very commercialized, but they did try to keep the old buildings as they were.  But what was neat was all the burros wandering around town.  These are the decendents of the burros that were used in the mines and were released into the wilds years ago.   Of course you could buy food to feed them so they would follow you right into the store--if they were allowed.   Then Neil thought we'd better head for the trailer--now he is suffering with the same stomach virus.  Not pleasant.   I guess that is it for our travels west--now its east---heading for Sedona area and the Grand Canyon, hoping that the weather stays warm and no snow at the Canyon.  Hope everyone is well at home and you are enjoying the old fashioned winter.  Take care for now

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10th

8am--in the hot tub and pool for a good swim--9am to the clubhouse for free coffee and donuts--10am off to the knitting group--1115 had a wonderful relaxation massage by a registered MT right here at the park (a treat from hubby for valentine's day)--then home for lunch and then off to have a game of shuffle board.!!!   Going to be hard to leave this park--but leave we MUST.  Thurs morning for sure and we will head for Quartzsite
Lovely warm swim!!
Yesterday we went for a road trip north of here, the scenery was wonderful, and we've been told that
what we saw was the 'baby grand canyon'  It sure was awesome!!  the only downside was that the road was 38 miles of dirt washboard road, some of it so narrow that you could barely make the hairpin turns.  Meeting an oncoming vehicle was tricky, mirrors almost touching as you squeezed past.  Thankfully we were on the 'inside'--no guard rails, so the outside guy didn't take any chances!!  some pictures of our travels yesterday follow.  Had to have a little trip to the Geek Squad to fix the computer after it got a nasty virus--so now all is fixed up so now can include the pictures.  Weather has been great--mostly sunny warm days, with the next few days in the high 80's.  Just hoping that it warms up a bit when we head north--as we see the Grand Canyon is freezing!!  Take care everyone

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Still here in Apache Junction at the same RV park. Having too much fun. Have taken a couple of trips out and about - one on a very scary road narrow no guardrails and hairpin turns.  Beautiful scenery!  Today we climbed Silly Mountain.  Not sure why it's named that -- but might be because of all the old folks huffing and puffing up!!  Then Iwent and sat in the hot tub for 15 minutes.  Wish I could send a pic-hope we can show off some of the photos when we get home.    Take it easy on the snow shovelling -hear you are getting another blast. The sure could use some of that moisture down here---just not the white stuff